" I'll never forget attending my first leadership conference Opening Session in high school.
I was instantly captivated.
But then it took many years before I could ever even sneak backstage at such a big event!
We created the Cybis Production Internship because I know there are young leaders out there who,
if given the chance, would find show production is their calling.
It's an honor to meet these students and fast-track their passion for live events!"

-Jeff Douglass, Founder and Executive Producer, CYBIS

At Cybis, we would be nothing without our team and the help of our excellent interns from across the nation. We love to provide this internship to students and only wish we were able to do it more! Check out the experiences of some of our past interns—and some of their advisers—and consider the value of this opportunity for your next conference!
If you’re attending an upcoming student leadership conference and are interested in interning with Cybis

” Just wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity for an internship at PA FBLA SLC, It really meant a lot to me and taught me lots more than I expected to gain out of it. You had an amazing team that was very welcoming, inspiring, and had great mentorship. It also gave me a different view of working in the field and really put me in a position to do what I love. I am also considering freelancing for Cybis Communications in the future. Once again thank you for giving me an experience like no other and thanks to your team for giving me motivation to continue building upon my skills. “

– Jon Tabshi, Pennsylvania FBLA Intern

“I was mesmerized when I attended my first SLC in eighth grade. As soon I found out I could help recreate that same experience I walked into, when I could hear the ballroom start shaking a few seconds before the doors swung open then walking into an amazing atmosphere, I set my sights on doing everything I could to get that internship. The one thing that I love about the internship opportunity I had was the freedom I was given to explore any interests I wanted to pursue. This freedom allowed me to explore audio engineering, helping the team from the ground set up the sound PA systems to all the wiring involved, as well as lighting design and operation, live video and graphic playback, and an insight into live directing/stage managing. The best part was how willing every Cybis team member was to take time and explain even the smallest details about how the advanced equipment works. With the responsibility and respect that was given to me as an intern, I felt apart of the team. Thank you for having such an amazing experience available to people because it honesty let me discover my passion.”

– Aaron Jacobs, Florida FBLA Intern

“I think it’s super cool the team allocates resources and time into getting interns each year. I know it’s a help to team Cybis, but it’s a huge blessing to those students who either want to move into the live production field, or just get insight into the operations of a real life “home grown” company that’s succeeding. Very cool. It was a blessing meeting the team, working with a touring team, and dipping my foot into that world.”

– Noah Golden, Pennsylvania FBLA Intern

“Everyone was very nice and understanding of my lack of experience. I loved working with all of them. I learned how to manage and build a stage setup. It was very cool!”

– Javon Colon, Georgia DECA Intern

“Working with Team Cybis has been great. The team is friendly – something you don’t get in a lot of places. They have no problem teaching you and are patient when they have to correct a mistake you made. It’s a very nurturing environment – I feel like they are on my side and want me to do well!”

– Chris Logar, Pennsylvania FBLA Intern

“The most important thing I learned from the Cybis internship was seeing how a production is run. I was able to see what everyone was working on and how it contributed to the production as a whole. My experience with Cybis was great.”

– Jayden Shafer, Washington DECA Intern

“I enjoyed the experience and learned a lot about both stage production and FCCLA. I was able to able to come out of the weekend genuinely grateful for the opportunity. It was definitely worth any travel and work.”

– Julia Peake, Georgia FCCLA Intern

“Everyone was very inviting and really wanted to help the interns learn. I learned the value of communication and how many factors go into putting on a big production. I had a great time during this internship!”

– Anna Malanowski, Pennsylvania FBLA Intern

“The Cybis internship was an incredible opportunity and experience! Not only did I gain a tremendous amount of knowledge, but the internship has helped me to see myself in entertainment in the future.”

– Brooke Freund, New Jersey FBLA Intern

“Working with Team Cybis was an incredible experience! Everyone was very polite and helpful and wanted to share their wisdom and knowledge. I don’t think there’s been a more passionate team that I’ve worked for. The most important thing that I learned had to be around lighting. This internship taught me every aspect from rigging them to operating them! It was a true hands-on internship that taught me all the information that I needed or wanted to know! I actually interned with Team Cybis in April of 2018. With that in mind, being one year removed from the internship, it’s amazing to see how I’ve improved my skills from before the internship and after the internship and what I’ve taken with me to college. The knowledge that I learned here put me miles ahead of some of the other freshmen that I started the year with at my college and I couldn’t thank Team Cybis enough for that opportunity!”

– Jake Loburak, Pennsylvania FBLA Intern

“I just want to say what a wonderful experience we have with our interns. They love the opportunity and it is a huge selling point for us at SLC. We have very few opportunities for students interested in production, so this really gives us the upper hand as a CTSO!”

– Chris Dzurick, State Adviser, Missouri FBLA

“It is awesome news that you will continue offering the internship opportunities. I know the PA FBLA members who have interned with Cybis have thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you so much for giving students this opportunity.”

– Janet Skiles, State Adviser, Pennsylvania FBLA


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