Ask the Producer

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Interested to learn more about the world of event production? Whether you're curious about the latest technologies or just want to know more about the industry, our founder and CEO is here to answer all your questions! Send your questions to ASK THE PRODUCER today!



February 28, 2020

As we declare on “A ThinkBackTM video is an exceptional way to commemorate a past event or promote a future one. We’ll send an experienced Cybis videographer out to capture your inspiring general sessions, powerful award ceremonies, engaging meetings, captivating shows, and grand presentations.” By capturing unique moments along with the raw, authentic emotions of the occasion, you will continue to experience the thrill of your event every time you take a look back.

We have produced ThinkBackTM videos for everything from White House summits, countless student leadership conferences, corporate events, fashion shows, non-profit organizations, MAC, and even the Playboy Mansion. Videos are typically 1-5 minutes long. Sometimes they are just music and footage… Sometimes they contain sound bites from presentations, speeches, and/or excited attendees. Our team can run totally autonomously based on your brief objectives of the video; or you can direct us into specific activities or interviewing specific individuals. And we are especially proud of our synchronization licenses to pair clients’ ThinkBackTM videos with popular, mainstream radio music; usually an extraordinarily difficult feat.

While the main purpose tends to be to present the ThinkBackTM video on-site at the closing session to current attendees, there is a huge recurring value in using the same video to market the next event months later to future attendees. Not only are you able to re-live it, but you are also able to share your inspiring experience with the world, which helps extend your reach to an audience beyond your event.

Are you ready to see what ThinkBackTM can do for your event? All of this is possible when you plan in advance! Contact us right away so we can start the conversation. We want to help deliver the absolute best production possible and help you make the right decisions from start to finish. Visit to live and re-live the experience!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



October 15, 2022

…we continue to make major investments in the latest audio/visual equipment. And we provide the maximum benefit to our clients by serving as PRODUCER and AV RENTAL company.

Earlier this month, we sent two truckloads full of Cybis gear to Visit Orlando’s Year-End Celebration. And I strongly believe this AV gear was simply our large toolbag handled by our experienced professional show operators.

If you’re choosing a production company simply by their toolbag, it’s time to rethink!

Okay I confess, like even the largest global event companies, Cybis does occasionally cross-rent some gear. Sometimes this is influenced by georgraphy, peak event season, or trade agreements with other AV suppliers. And again, what matters is most is who is at the helm!

Compared to a regular AV rental company, Cybis is proud to be a show production company that owns gear. We’re committed to our clients’ needs and the success of their event, and we have the equipment that allows us to execute it in the best way possible. Because we care about putting on a great show, we focus on owning the high-quality equipment to facilitate doing so. Our team wants the best gear to work with and our clients want the best gear to support their production.

In fact, in 2022, we have invested more into our expanding inventory than any previous year in Cybis’ history!

And for our colleagues in the industry… Yes, Cybis offers dry-rentals in Orlando! Let’s partner!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



July 8, 2020

While it’s not our normal market, the live event industry has largely gone virtual and caused many companies to adapt and follow suit. Our team has banded together for an approach to virtual live events that we are very proud of.

There are many options for virtual events – what is right for you and your organization should depend on your budget and the type of experience you want to offer your audience.

Pre-recorded, live-streamed events:
First, we provide technical specifications, host Zoom practice sessions, and conduct “rehearsals” with talent and speakers. Then, Cybis will receive videos, announcements, and elements submitted by leaders of your organization and edit them together to create a virtual session experience. We add motion graphics and engaging music soundtracks under presenters and in-between segments to keep the energy alive. Once the session is fully edited to your satisfaction, we can set up the recording to stream live on the date and time of your choice!

Click here to read about the full process!

Pre-recorded, pre-produced, live-streamed events:
We will travel to a venue of your choice, or help in your search for one, and build a completely custom set to shoot your event. Our team of video directors, lighting technicians, audio engineers, and production assistants will create an entirely pre-produced event for you, pre-recorded and edited to perfection. Then we will stream the event live on the date and time of your choice!

Live, produced virtual events:
Our team will provide our full package of production elements as described above; with optional stage management, script development, and a full suite of custom motion graphics. After a hearty amount of rehearsals, our team will execute an exciting, truly live broadcast to your online audience!

While we can’t wait to get back to doing live events with audiences in the hundreds to the tens of thousands, we are excited to serve our virtual clients in the coming months for these special times. If you are looking to make your live event virtual, please contact me right away so we can start the conversation. I want to help deliver the absolute best production possible and help you make the right decisions for your audience and organization!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



September 26, 2019

It’s one thing to experience an amazing live event in the audience; but being part of the production, working back stage, planning/coordinating, and building the set from the ground up gives you an entirely different appreciation of what live event production is all about. And if having fun while earning good money sounds intriguing to you, first find out in which part of the event you’d like to be involved.

If you’re a student, there are often opportunities in campus production teams to figure out if you thrive in pre-production, the live event itself, or post-production. When I was in college (go Knights!), I heard about their “Video Productions Committee” and stopped in to a meeting. I was soon invited to check out a hypnotist show where the students would be running camera, switching videos, etc. I lucked out when one of the camera operators didn’t show up and I was thrust into the seat. It was so exciting and swiftly intensified my passion for live events! If there aren’t student-led committees on your campus, find out which companies service your school’s productions — and read on!

Outside of school, there are many A/V and event companies in every major city that will offer internships and on-site experience opportunities. These companies are usually just a phone call away (like Cybis!) and will likely welcome you to “stop by” an event to see how things work. Your best next move: roll up your sleeves and offer to push cases, lug around cables, fetch coffee, test microphones, etc. Earning rapport with the team and demonstrating your value in a volunteer-position will almost definitely earn yourself an invitation back. If you’re willing to do some of the grunt work and most importantly USE these opportunities to observe the departments that interest you most and ask lots of questions, you’ll find yourself better suited than any outsiders when that company is looking to expand. If you’re worried about getting the company’s attention in the first place, try posting on their social media site! Be sure to provide a link to your online resume so folks can see your background and interests. Also be persistent — if you try hard to get noticed, then at least as far as I’m concerned, you’re more likely to try hard to be great!

Another strategy? Put yourself out there on production crew websites (like Again, if you’re happy to intern or volunteer to work for free while getting your feet wet, the opportunities will be endless. (Side story: when I first started Cybis 25 years ago, I earned my first clients by offering computer help for FREE… after a while, I was eventually able to start charging. Side-side story: it’s also the basis for my favorite quote on the bottom of!) Be patient though — the companies you’re supporting know that in this industry, you only get ONE chance to get it right. “You’re only as good as your last performance.” Expect it to take time to fairly demonstrate you are determined, diligent, and 100% dependable.

The live event world is a super-fun industry to work alongside fun people, travel, and be a part of something that people experience with all of their senses!

At Cybis, we pride ourselves in being able to provide our clients world-class service, and that ability comes from having an exceptional team. If you’re interested, we are always looking for new talented people to add to our roster. Getting in touch with us is easy — click “Impress Us” on; that’s always up-to-date with the roles we seek, and which ones are “hot”! If you love your work, and it’s shows – contact us!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



November 22, 2023

Our scripting approach easily outshines the old-school free-flowing Word doc with endless page numbers. Cybis scripts are notoriously organized by block name and number. A “block” is essentially one segment owned by one speaker. Numbered blocks and titles summarizing content allow our team to break the script down into bite-sized, easily identifiable pieces. Each block has its own sound, lighting look, set of graphics, choreography notes, and spoken word, to support the presenter on-stage. Blocks can be reorganized without disrupting the music or graphics cues they are associated with. This strategy makes it significantly more efficient for our production team to follow along, focus on transitions, and plan for what’s coming up next.

A Cybis script designates columns for audio cues, lighting cues, and graphics cues; all aligned with the perfect moments in the spoken-word portion of the script. Now we can execute these cues synchronously with the presentations on the stage.

What makes Cybis events stand out is our simultaneous execution of elements all at once to make a moment. The speaker on-stage announces a big win, music crescendos, gorgeous graphics animate on-screen, streamers blast out from the stage, lighting effects punctuate the atmosphere, and the crowd goes wild! How does all of that happen at the same time? Not luck… it is the result of a highly refined script with detailed notes in-line with every moment of the show…. executed with precision.

We are very proud of our script format and although I’d love to call it proprietary, we know many of our clients embrace it for their other smaller presentations throughout the year. Imitation is the best form of flattery.   : )

In addition to bringing an expert team and the latest gear, allow Cybis to introduce our innovative scripting strategy to your next show!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



October 17, 2019

Maybe your event needs a boost – a little caffeine pick-me-up – in order to best communicate your message, inspire guests, or celebrate success. It’s time to deliver a show that is swelling with energy, tightly choreographed, features a handcrafted soundtrack, and portrays how serious you are about the outcome.

I will share a few secrets that I hope you can employ at your next live event:

Least Common Denominator – This is a factor I’ve promoted since our very first BIG show in 2002. Imagine the person who has the least interest and reason to be in attendance. Maybe ze is the most cynical or the most unlikely person to impress. I focus my efforts on impressing this person through the spoken word and immersive production experience. If you can reach this person, you may find that you have reached the other hundreds or thousands in attendance.

Timing is Everything – Everybody’s lives are jam-packed and there are few things worse than feeling like your time is being wasted. Absolutely, in speech, insert the pregnant pause or the dramatic question to the audience to further your message. Otherwise, keep the show moving! Do’s and Don’ts: Do start your event on time. Don’t allow it to go longer than it needs. Do have presenters queued and waiting for their intro. Don’t ever leave an empty stage. Do monitor the time during the show (I take on this job during Cybis shows) and do adjust the program; shorten parts; etc. if you’re at risk of going long. Do end earlier than published times; never later. And Do have the production team with their fingers on the trigger for every song, lighting cue, and graphic roll, because that synchronization is felt/embraced by the audience; 1 second late is late.

Rehearse – I would like to make this the first, second, and third item on the list because live one-off events are seldom effectively rehearsed; and it makes the difference between silver and gold. First, ensure your organization has the appropriate dedicated stage director or at least a presenter-liaison to host special guests. Insist that every presenter attend a rehearsal prior to the doors opening. And my rule of thumb – rehearse, in real-time, every single action/cue/transition that will happen during the show. A fumbled music/lights/video sequence takes away from so many of the efforts that go into planning for your big event. Whether you’re an event manager, producer or show director, I commend anyone who says “that was close to perfect, but let’s do it 2 more times to be sure we’ve all got it!”

Crave the Special Moments – We acknowledge that many shows contain long biographical spiels, acceptance speeches, and historical testimonies. But don’t let that bring you down. Look for every appropriate instance in the program to crescendo the music, utilize special effect lighting, and provide motion graphics on screens that parallel what your guests are used to seeing on prime time television. When we identify and execute a dozen of these extra special moments in a program, I’m happy and I think the audience is satisfied, too! The energy and action in your show should peak and valley. Be conscious of the order of presentations in your agenda in order to best keep the audience on the edge of their seat and wanting more.

Lights, Camera, Soundtrack – I’d be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to just mention the power of programmable moving light fixtures, well-choreographed camera movements, and delivering the right music for the mood. These are not all easy to convey in one article so I’ll focus on soundtrack. My best advice is to stay trendy. We frequently mix instrumental beds of the newest popular songs in order to capture a special part of our audience’s senses. Staying current with music and crafting an aural soundtrack for your live event helps to promote the relevance and timeliness of your message.

The key to all of this is planning. Recognize the beginning of a show as an opportunity to start getting the audience excited even if no one is on stage. Know who is speaking, when they will be speaking, and what they are speaking about. Ask about important points that might be enhanced with audio, lighting, or camera shots. Know where the person will be presenting and plan to have cameras/lights focused on those points. Consider having multiple cameras for different angles and cutaway shots. Make sure anyone on stage knows where to enter and exit; professional choreography will highlight excellent preparation!

Creativity in audience engagement is an art form that takes practice, but the right team with the right equipment and leadership will be able to execute a captivating experience. If you have a live event coming up, and you’d like to enlist Team Cybis to help keep YOUR audience engaged, please contact me right away so we can start the conversation. I want to help deliver the absolute best production possible and help you make the right decisions for your audience, space, and budget!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



January 19, 2023

At Cybis, we have several key values that serve as the baseline for the way we treat our clients. Regardless of the unique circumstances we cater to for each event, we’re constantly committed to what matters to us most. I believe these matter to our clients most, too!


Our clients are our lifeline; we are intensely loyal to them and exceeding their expectations. Impressing and serving our clients well keeps them coming back year after year to partner with our team… A job well done is one thing, but a Cybis production that makes an impact keeps audiences talking and maintains the kind of reputation we want to have as a live event production company.


When our clients hire Cybis, we want to be sure they know why: we strive to be the experts. Rounds of feedback can be annoying, frustrating, and particular – and it’s difficult to imagine a final product from a work-in-progress draft. We save our clients the headache and work behind the scenes with their vision in mind to create a true “first draft”—a fully packaged piece that you’ll love at first glance.


We put our attention where it matters most to our clients, and that is often the success of an event through the eyes of the audience. We strive for excellence in exceeding the audience’s expectations, which in turn always makes our clients the most happy.


We pride ourselves on our ability to manage and successfully execute every aspect of production so our clients don’t have to. Partnering with Cybis means sitting back and letting us handle the nuances. From directing the show, coaching VIP, writing and revising scripts, manipulating motion graphics, and putting together a stellar team, we know all of the best ways to ensure an exciting event!


Because we are thinking about the show in its entirety, we are able to discover challenges early and before they are even close to affecting the show. There is no need to ask about any aspect of the live shows when we are thinking of everything and have you covered.


When it’s time to collaborate, we understand you’ve trusted us to know best. So instead of coming to you with problems, we’ve already considered them and have developed solutions. Leave the obstacles to us so you can focus elsewhere.


Bidding is a headache of the past when partnering with Cybis. We are constantly reinventing aspects of our shows to keep things fresh. We continue to invest in the newest gear, work with exceptional talent who bring new experience and different perspectives, and work with partners with their ears to the ground on the evolving desires of our audiences.


Our commitment is to earn your business indefinitely. Team Cybis and I treat our clients the way I want to be treated. It’s more important to us that our clients feel taken care of, are confident about the progress of the production, and have no doubts about partnering with us in the future when their event is over. There is no use in nickel and diming or worrying about the small line item details when what we appreciate most is the lifetime value of a single client; this is evident from our average client tenure of between 10-20 years!

We look forward to our continued growth as a company, as well as the growth and successes of our clients. The reward of successful events and satisfying productions is what gets me out of bed in the morning, and has for 28 years. Cheers to many more!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



August 29, 2019

Sales coordinators may suggest the in-house vendor is “more comfortable because they know the space”… but just because they are in-house doesn’t mean they have some exceptional wisdom on how to layout your room or execute your custom event. In fact, experienced production teams know that every ballroom in every venue is nearly the same. In-house AV companies tend to incentivize clients with discounted exclusive services like power and rigging, but the inflated costs for AV typically far exceed this value. Many times, a fresh perspective, our 3D-diagramming, and experience with all types of spaces will add more to your project than the folks who often prefer to do the same thing every time.

Total Show Management:
Consider the value of total show management companies like Cybis, as we are primary experts in everything from show graphics, to scriptwriting, to choreography. In-house AV companies may be able to dabble in these services but cannot deliver the same fully integrated experience.

Did you know that in-house AV companies are required to pay the hotel as much as 40-50% of their revenue? That generally means your price will be higher to make up the difference. Then you need to have someone operate the equipment… in-house AV companies employ many full-time techs who get an hourly rate to do a variety of jobs every day. You may end up with an Audio Engineer, one of the most critical roles for your general session, who is overworked and underpaid. Alternatively, a third-party AV company will bring out exceptionally qualified technicians to come in and provide 100% more value to your production. In-house AV companies have to recoup these costs of keeping a full-time crew employed all year long, while third-parties are able to offer the true experts by only spending on the day they are serving you!

In-house AV companies may be ideal for very small needs such as a microphone and laptop rental—where it may not be economical for a third-party to send a technician out—but as soon as you start adding more to the production, the in-house company starts adding much more to the overall cost.

More expensive and harder to reach, the in-house manager or representative may not be in his/her office any time you run into a problem or have an additional request. With a third-party AV company like Cybis, you’ll have the 24/7 cell phone number of the Producer or Account Executive. We provide 24/7 commitment to the success of your event and 24/7 availability to support you. In-house AV companies may offer the benefit of a salesperson that you can meet and greet in person, but all too often that individual is not even available during your actual event. Your Cybis producer or account executive is happy to meet with you at any location nationwide!

Consider Cybis:
If you have a live event coming up, please contact us right away so we can start the conversation. I want to help deliver the absolute best production possible and help you make the right decisions for your audience, space, and budget!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



May 22, 2023

We and our team of event professionals rely on various established protocols from creating a comprehensive event schedule and leveraging management software in the pre-production phase to on-site rehearsals and strategic teamwork, enhancing operational efficiency, and ensuring memorable experiences for our audiences.

Pre-Production and Advance Prep: This phase involves activities such as scripting, diagramming, equipment setup, and logistics planning. Thorough pre-production ensures that all necessary arrangements are in place, including staging, lighting, sound systems, and video displays. Attention to detail during this phase helps mitigate potential issues and guarantees a seamless event experience.

Cybis Show Overview: This comprehensive checklist / event schedule serves as a blueprint for our success. It outlines critical milestones, tasks, and deadlines, ensuring that every aspect of the event is accounted for. After years of producing events, we have developed this document to include everything necessary for every event—from communicating with venues and clients to designing graphics and banners—so there just aren’t things we suddenly remember to do at the last minute.

Task Management Software: By centralizing task lists, communication, deadlines, and deliverables, our team can maintain real-time visibility into project progress, ensuring that all necessary tasks are completed on time. Utilizing this kind of software allows us to streamline event planning and execution, and has enabled efficient task delegation, tracking, and collaboration among team members.

Team Management Software: Team Cybis makes our events happen. They play a vital role in everything from gear selection and setting up, to show execution and stage teardown. Establishing clear communication channels, setting expectations, and providing comprehensive documentation are essential for getting our team on the same page.

SOPs and Documentation: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and documentation provide a framework for consistency and best practices in everything we do at Cybis. SOPs outline step-by-step guidelines for various event-related and company processes, including travel booking, documentation management, on-site role requirements, and post-event evaluation. Documenting workflows, checklists, and contingency plans ensures that our event teams can replicate successful strategies and continuously improve future events.

On-Site Rehearsals: Whether it’s a corporate conference or non-profit student event, conducting thorough rehearsals allows our team and all special guests to familiarize themselves with the event flow and address any technical or logistical challenges ahead of time. Anyone who appears on a Cybis stage requires a rehearsal—regardless of whether they are a professional speaker or not!—because there are always last minute questions or hiccups about where they should walk on stage or how a presenter should hook up their computer. Getting this advance time and communication with on-stage talent allows us to minimize “doing it live!”

The results of our careful planning, thorough rehearsals, meticulous pre-production, efficient task management, and adherence to SOPs and documentation has helped our team maximize our potential for creating remarkable event experiences. Cybis continues to exceed attendee expectations and secure clients who trust us year after year. Not only are we professionals in the event space, but our decades of experience have lead us to develop these systems in order to execute stellar events every time!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



March 17, 2020

Having the best sound system for your event is essential to captivate and engage the audience. Everyone in a large room should feel connected whether they are in the front row or the nosebleed seats. With the proper audio equipment, arrangement, and an ace Audio Engineer, you can reach every person with high fidelity.

This year, Cybis is proud to debut the newest addition to our inventory – RCF line array speakers. These powerful, yet compact, speakers are designed for the greatest voice clarity and aural experience for 100 to 10,000 people.

Our scalable audio package provides crystal clear, high-quality sound so your presenters can be heard from every inch of the room. Our gear is also exceptional for music because it’s driven by our 32-channel Yamaha digital mixer, which handles all audio processing and routing. It provides superior sound that we can direct to our various RCF Line Array Speakers and Subwoofer options. These speakers can be hung from the ceiling when rigging is available or stacked upon one another on the floor or stage risers. Our line arrays are designed with built-in amplifiers, so we don’t have to worry about extra bulky power equipment that takes up unnecessary floor space and expensive setup time.

With these features, our audio equipment can be completely catered to the needs of your event – they are compact, convenient and completely versatile. And don’t forget the A1 (Audio Engineer) – the right man (or woman) behind the audio console is the final key ingredient to ensuring the system is properly EQ’d, delay signals are properly timed, and feedback is effectively eliminated.

Since we’ve rolled out our new audio system, we’ve heard from so many of our clients and attendees. They are complimenting the superior sound we have brought to their events. This is exciting news as our commitment to audio represents Cybis’ largest technology investment in the company’s history! Give us a call today to learn about all of our audio options. We want to deliver the absolute best production possible. Cybis promises to give you sound advice to make your events sound great!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



May 16, 2023

Event Schedule
When evaluating event spaces, factor in time to prepare on-site for a successful event. In particular, ensure there is sufficient time reserved for setup. Many events will require at least 1 advance day, dedicated to building the stage and setting up all gear in the room. In addition, consider time for all of your presenter and entertainment rehearsals. The most successful live productions allow exclusive rehearsal time for everybody who will go on stage.

In-House AV
Some venues require use of their in-house AV company or in-house vendors for certain services. These expenses can make or break your event budget! Some companies charge thousands—even 10s of thousands—for gear another production company may be able to provide at another venue for a better price. Venues charge very different rates for power, internet, and especially rigging, so be sure to check those details before signing a contract. For best results, engage your production company in advance of signing the contract for the venue space to ensure these costs are evaluated. Many venues will discount their exclusive services, but your negotiation power ends the moment you contract the space!

Event Specifications
When thinking about the technical success of your event, consider ceiling height, columns, acoustics (e.g. carpet, metal ceiling), and space for seating AND stage/rear projection, VIP holding areas, and your AV control center(s). Most venues present maximum capacities without any consideration for stage risers and production. Are you planning on rigging a lot of hardware for your stage design? Inquire about the availability of rigging for the space you’re considering.

Audience Experience
Consider the elements of your event and the type of experience you’re looking for. If you’re planning for networking during your event, be sure the venue you’re choosing has an area with wide open space for people to gather. If you’re planning to have a lot of attendees in a ballroom or exhibit hall, consider the room capacity and shape you’ll need to accommodate. And be creative! Hotels, convention centers, stadiums, and arenas all offer different types of experiences, but why not host your next dinner gala in an airport hangar?

All of the above should put you a step ahead in your search for an event space. My biggest piece of advice: partner with a company with expertise in the industry, like Cybis. Our clients benefit from our knowledge of events from inception to completion. We are here for you if you need consultation in your event planning process, will answer any questions during pre-production, and will support you on-site through a successful event production. Orlando chooses Cybis and so should you!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



July 23, 2019

Cybis supports its clients in all aspects of event production. We are your single point of contact in the planning phase when it comes to coordinating with venues, understanding your needs, finding and supplying the equipment, and communicating with vendors and specialists about your project.

We are there for you in the core of the production: setting up the room, providing the tech, providing the labor, running the show, and providing the MAGIC. In fact, we hear the same thing repeated from every new client, “this is the first time I was just able to enjoy the show, network with attendees, not stress, and have total confidence in the presentations.” It’s one of the top reasons Cybis retains clients indefinitely; customers can never imagine going back to the old way of stressing out!!! This is what makes Cybis “Total Show Management” stand out from our friendly competition — you have questions; CYBIS provides solutions!

In the post-production phase, Cybis succeeds in providing video recaps of the event, custom USB archives with footage of the show, and taking care of any remaining items related to achieving your vision for the project.

Our team is committed to providing full-service support; we don’t have any salespeople, period. When you work with Team Cybis, you’re working directly with the Producer and our core team with our 24/7 cell phones. We are all fully engrossed in the project from start to finish!

If you have a live event coming up, please contact us right away so we can start the conversation. I want to help deliver the absolute best production possible and you’ll be surprised how fun and easy it can be after the first call! So don’t quit your day job; call me!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



October 12, 2022

Since founding Cybis in 1995, I’ve had the privilege of seeing it completely change shape over the years. Going from a team of college friends hanging in my living room, to an office of full-timers, to now 100% freelancers around the world, I’ve found a successful business model that works in the industry we serve. Working with all freelancers isn’t always easy, but our superior team of professionals is committed to excellence. Everyone on Team Cybis shows up to our events ready to create a stellar experience for our audiences. This commitment is a huge indicator of success for me along with their attitudes on-site and what their experience is during the show. Putting on a great show that the audience loves and the team feels proud to create is what I ultimately believe is a successful production.

In addition to this, our CLIENTS are what determine our success. We strive to provide superior service in all aspects of production—whether it’s before, during, or after an event. Earning trust and leveraging client relationships is one of the most important things I spend my days doing. Making sure clients feel confident in our work, trust us to work with them to achieve their goals, and are thrilled by the end result is what success looks like to me. If a client doesn’t come up to me after an event beaming about how we exceeded their expectations, then I know our team must do better. That’s my standard.

Success also comes in the form of stability and growth for the company, and the opportunities that are open to us looking forward. When we are scaling the number of clients we serve, the amount of equipment we own in order to serve them BETTER, and are challenging ourselves to take risks and do new things for our events, THAT is another measure of success for me.

It is my goal to see Cybis grow as a company, flourish as a team, and excel as a partner to our clients. Clients come back year after year because they have found success in US.

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



January 11, 2019

The first client to confirm an event date will receive the best rates; it’s the difference between equipment potentially sitting on a shelf idle or being used for your spectacular show. It’s not unusual for production companies to offer many free or greatly discounted upgrades when they know the gear is available. In fact, so many of our contracts say things like “8 moving lights” but for early contracts, we’ll bring out twice as many just because we can! I’d rather see your show be the best it can be than have our gear collect dust. Many production companies would rather make a better impression by “throwing in” another dozen cool lights, upgrading to brighter projection, or even bringing out some special stage design elements from the shop for the client who has booked early. When clients commit in advance, it’s easier to offer these incentives – and you and your audience win!! Rates tend to be hire when equipment is already booked or scarce during event dates.

Cybis has many events booked through 2024 but we’ve recently become very transparent about our “off-season.” In particular, between July 2019 and January 2020, we are especially aggressive about adding events to our calendar. This helps us plan ahead, invest in new equipment, and lock in the best talent long in advance.

If you have an event coming up, please contact us right away so we can start the conversation. I want to help deliver the absolute best production possible and if the dates are wide open, you’ll definitely receive the best bang for the buck!!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



September 2, 2022

The name CYBIS originated from an exquisite ballroom in Ft. Lauderdale in the 70’s, called “The Cybis Room.” People visited The Cybis Room, with its multi-million dollar display of art and antiques, from all over the world. So do you think it’s a coincidence that, today, Team CYBIS spends so much time producing exquisite shows in ballrooms?

I added “COMMUNICATIONS” as a broad grasp at what I enjoyed – inspiring people through design/technology.

But this is a new day, we have evolved, and it’s time to better communicate what CYBIS really does. And let’s face it, I’m tired of folks thinking we sell phone services. We’re dropping “Communications” and need your help! Shall we become Cybis Productions, Cybis Live Events, Cybis Audio/Visual, or Cybis ________?

Please help us with this 1-MINUTE SURVEY.

Thank you!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



October 23, 2021

If you’re like me, you’ve indulged in “ event stress” once… maybe you craved the rush! Putting out fires, being personally vital to an event’s success, and then celebrating when it was over… and knowing it could not have happened without you! Then, fast forward to your 3rd or 30th event and you realize there has to be a better way!

If your next event is in 6 months, the best solution is to start now! By overpreparing and beginning the process early, you’ll find ways that you can enjoy the event along with your attendees. I can mostly attest to the live general session productions, but believe the same practices apply to all aspects of an event/conference. And the best part is that when you overly prepare, early; you’ll also be reducing stress for your support staff and, ahem, your AV production company! The result: everyone will be excited about your next event and you’ll benefit from an experienced team.

Here are some quick tips and reminders. With events coming back strong, I share them humbly as reminders to myself, too! 🙂

  1. Create a timeline for major milestones. Break down the important tasks into and spread them out over days or weeks, especially the ones that seem to cause the biggest headaches right before or during an event. Place your deadlines on your personal calendar (google calendar is my preference!)
  2. Set high expectations and be ready to roll. At Cybis, we shoot for the stars, to exceed our clients’ expectations in every aspect of the event. Then, when something doesn’t work out exactly as envisioned, our team is the only one who knows and I can relax. When the bar is set high, the client / audience will still be ecstatic!
  3. Bring in the man/womanpower! If you don’t have sufficient staff, it’s time to recruit some friends and family to assist you on-site. PRO TIP: If you still need extra bodies, consider local labor or friendly event companies who can provide experienced support staff for nominal costs. Even Craigslist can help you bring on some very talented people who are just looking for new opportunities.
  4. Plan one solid day to yourself right before your event. Enjoy this moment to clear your mind. PRO TIP: Even if that goal was too lofty, if you plan this way, you’ll appreciate this “bonus day” to tie up any loose ends and still walk into the conference recharged and ready to rock!
  5. Reward yourself and your team. Plan at least one day off, to completely disconnect, after your event. Everyone will be more relaxed on-site knowing a well-deserved break is around the corner.
  6. Thank your team. You’ll want them back next time and a handwritten note or token gift card goes a long way to show appreciation. PRO TIP: Write these weeks in advance because you’re going to want your time off afterwards!
  7. ENGAGE AN EXPERIENCED AND TRUSTED PRODUCTION TEAM. Cybis’ clients appreciate that the show will go on! We own our world of general sessions and strive to minimize your stress at all stages of pre-production and on-site. We know you have a million other things to handle and are proud to help you NOT worry about your shows! : )

It’s so fun to produce and host events! And I’m so excited we get to be together again. By working with intention in the months leading up to each event, Cybis is poised to bring peace of mind to your live event productions. Please contact us today for your 2022 events!

Cheers to stress-free events

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer



August 9, 2024

In a world where memorable experiences are the key to successful corporate events, the ability to create once-in-a-lifetime moments has become more important than ever. Cybis Productions is at the forefront of the event production industry, offering a wide range of services designed to elevate corporate events and leave a lasting impression on attendees. From cutting-edge event technology to creative design solutions and total show management expertise, we are committed to helping our clients create unforgettable event experiences.

Explore Our Event Technology

Our commitment to staying ahead of the curve in event technology allows us to offer our clients an unparalleled experience. Whether you're looking to incorporate projection mapping, interactive audiovisual displays, or live streaming capabilities into your event, our team is equipped to bring your vision to life in a way that captivates and engages your audience long after the event ends.

Collaborate With Our Creative Team

At Cybis Productions, we understand the power of creativity in crafting memorable events. Our team of skilled designers, producers, and creative minds are dedicated to working closely with our clients to conceptualize and execute event themes that resonate with attendees and leave a lasting impact. We leverage dynamic elements like motion graphics, which bring your message to life with visually compelling animations, and sizzle reels that build excitement and anticipation. High-energy show openers set the stage for an unforgettable experience. Whether you have a clear vision in mind or need assistance in creating one, our team is here to help you tell your story.

Set the Stage With Our Scenic Designs

A well-designed event space sets the tone for the entire experience, and our scene and stage design services are tailored to do just that. Whether you're hosting a formal gala, a product launch, or a large-scale conference, our team will work with you to create a visually stunning environment that not only reflects your brand identity but also enhances the overall atmosphere of your event.

Trust in Our Total Show Management

The success of any corporate event lies in the seamless orchestration of a thousand different elements, and that's where our total show management services shine. From pre-event planning and logistics to on-site coordination and post-event evaluation, our experienced team is committed to ensuring that every aspect of your event runs smoothly and flawlessly, allowing you to focus on engaging with your audience and achieving your event objectives.

Among the many elements we manage, our scriptwriting services are designed to create engaging narratives that seamlessly incorporate multimedia elements, ensuring your message is delivered effectively. Additionally, our stage management team meticulously coordinates every aspect of the live event, from timing and cues to managing technical crews and performers, ensuring a flawless execution. These are just a few of the comprehensive services that make up our Total Show Management, all designed to deliver a memorable and impactful event.

Cybis Productions is your trusted partner in creating unforgettable corporate events that leave a lasting impact on attendees. From state-of-the-art event technology to creative design solutions, total show management, and immersive stage designs, we have the tools and expertise to execute your event flawlessly. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a corporate event that your guests will remember forever!

Jeff Douglass
Founder & Executive Producer

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