Leading The Way with New Projection Mapping Technology

Cybis presents projection mapping technology at national health conference for students

ORLANDO, FLORIDA – July 11, 2013 – Cybis leads the way in new technology with innovation and creativity for their largest audience yet. Cybis is a creative media and event productions company. On June 26, 2013, Cybis debuted their first ever complex projection mapping stage design at the annual National Leadership Conference held by Health Occupations Students of America, for an audience of nearly 8,000 members.

Projection Mapping is an exciting new way to bring content to life on-stage by transforming any surface or object into a projection canvas to create stunning visual effects. Cybis designed and constructed an entirely customized cube-based set, spanning most of the 54 foot stage. The set featured an archway for VIPs to enter, a large area for photos and videos, a 40’ multipurpose floating top lip, and several other supplementary locations to project textures and other content.

This production was extremely unique because it required collaboration across all four of the Cybis divisions: Creative, Total Show Management, Scenic and Stage Design, and Event Technology. For viewers, this massive stage allowed them to become fully absorbed in the message and content of the show, thanks to the highly dynamic and exciting content which Cybis designed from scratch. Sponsor logos, photos, videos and key text were projected on every surface of the set, with customized locations based on where VIPs stood and the camera angles.

“This project challenged our creative team to think of content placement and graphics design in a whole new way,” said Cybis Technical Director, Allen Ellis. “This stage allowed us to use our entire set as a canvas in harmony with lighting to create a powerful experience to engage our viewers,” said Ellis.

Cybis has proudly partnered with HOSA since 2007, providing state of the art and cutting edge technology. Using creative media, Cybis has raised HOSA’s national presence, rebranding the organization and producing a full suite of marketing collateral. “National HOSA is an excellent example of how Cybis is paving the way with technology,” said Cybis Founder and CEO, Jeff Douglass. “This is only the beginning of the innovation and creativity.”

About Cybis
Cybis consists of four distinct divisions: CREATIVE, TOTAL SHOW MANAGEMENT, EVENT TECHNOLOGY, and SCENIC & STAGE. Cybis delivers red carpet treatment, award-winning creative media and total project management. Cybis produces live events nationwide with audiences ranging from a couple hundred to over 8,000. Productions include Fortune 500 companies, non-profits, White House events, student leadership organizations and many more. Team Cybis delivers branding, broadcast-level motion graphics and video production, live show design, and integrated print and digital marketing solutions that stir and excite. Cybis has been around for seventeen years, produced hundreds of events, and inspired a cumulative total of nearly half a million live audience members, plus millions of people who have unknowingly seen their work. We love our work and it shows. Visit www.thinkcybis.com.

About HOSA
HOSA is a national student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education Division of ACTE. HOSA’s two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA’s goal is to encourage all health occupation instructors and students to join and be actively involved in the HSE-HOSA Partnership. Visit www.hosa.org.

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